A few years back my husband and I did something called the Compact. The idea was to only buy used for one year. This includes almost everything outside of food, underwear and toilet paper. So, if you, say, need a lamp- you buy a used lamp. If you want a book- find it used. Now of course, you can't buy used light bulbs, used cooking oil, etc. You get the idea.
We found that almost everything we wanted could be found second hand, and started to believe in a sort of thrift-karma. What I needed- I found. Even what I wanted- showed up where I looked. I used the example on our old blog,
Changing Rhythm, of the time I needed a pastry blender for a recipe. I walked into the thrift store and what was right on top of a basket by the door- pastry blender. It happened all the time and made the Compact easy for us.
Well, like I've said before- our budget is slim. No credit cards, limited amount of cash coming into our single income household- this makes for a very tight clothing budget, if any. The kids take priority as far as new shoes, and new clothes. I do find a lot of the girl's dresses used, but kids shoes just do not hold up, so we used most of our money for clothing on new shoes for them.
For a long time, I was on this anti-materialist rampage and chided myself for placing so much importance in my clothing. But, I've come to realize- I just love it. It's fun- and there are ways to keep it financial feasible.
Every month, if we can, Matt and I give ourselves $100 spending money. This means, I use the cash for a coffee, magazines, new lipstick, and of course, clothes. Some months we can't use it- it's just too tight- but this month, I went shopping with cash in hand, searching for my fall clothes.
Here was my wish list:
booties- heeled or flat, whatever came to me first
oxfords-brown or black
a well-made vest
anything with cabbage roses on it- either a dress or blouse
skinny jeans
bold wool blazers
a nice, neat navy blue cardigan
white oxford shirts
sort sort of chain accessories- either necklaces, or a belt
a red belt

I went to Ross on monday, looking primarily for boots, but was disappointed (as usual) in their selection in my size (which is 9). I did find a red sash belt and a pair of well-priced skinny jeans- amounting together at about $25. Then, I found a perfect Navy blue cardigan at Costco for $15.
At Target, I was lured in by grey suede booties- I usually do not buy shoes unless they are either very cheap (used, excellent condition and under $10) or very good quality, well made shoes that are a bit of an investment (between $100 and $300). No in-between. But, we have not been able to spend that much lately, and, frankly, I just really dig these boots.
I already posted about the shirts my dad gave me- filling my need for white oxford shirts at zero dollars.
The local thrift store had an amazingly perfect red wool blazer with good buttons for 50 cents, as well as a tiny flowered dress that fits me like a glove. Total of one dollar.

I got the chance on Tuesday to go to the Salvation Army in Auburn, on the way to town. In ten minutes I finished my fall shopping. I found a green and black hounds-tooth blazer/coat for $6. Patent leather oxfords for $2.50 (they are PERFECT on me....perfect). A pristine velvet vest by Liz Claiborne for $2.50, a cabbage rose dress for $3, a vintage plaid shirt dress for $6, a gold chain belt for $3, and a white studded belt for $1.

There were a couple things I purchased here and there, eating up my $100. But, I'm quite pleased with what I have! I did a ton of hemming and sewing yesterday, finalizing the pieces I got and placing then ready to wear in my closet. Yay!!!!
Thrift karma strikes again!! Let the outfits start flowing!!!