The last post was yesterdays outfit- I'm catching up!!
I benefited from my dad's sudden inspiration to downsize. He had about 2 or 3 dozen shirts made for him in Taiwan when he used to travel for work. He's now retired, and he and my mom are trying to move to a smaller house. So....guess who gets all those great custom made shirts?
ME!! I didn't take them all, but I did take about 10 of them. My dads pretty thin- tall, but thin, and these, for some reason are particularly small shirts. Good news for me!
This shirt I'm wearing today was one of the ones I considered not taking, but at the last minute I got sucked into the pink and grey thing, and took it! I'm wearing it today with a thrifted belt that's white, studded with big silver studs, and my new (yes, not used!) gray suede booties from Target!!
I have no face on- I've yet to shower, so I didn't bother with makeup. Hence the lack of facial exposure. With skin like mine, full face no-makeup shots are not too flattering, so, I looked away. Very dramatic, don't you think?

I wish my dad's old shirts fit me the way that one fits you! So great!