Saturday, November 7, 2009

Temporary internet loss

I only have only two options for internet- horrible, horrible dial-up, or a Verizon Wireless cell-phone based internet.

We use the latter since we don't have ALL DAY for our blogs to load. This week- our little device broke. So, yeah- the last two days I've been absent from the internet.

Also I'm doing NaNoWriMo this month, which is sucking up lots and lots of my brain. I leading a kids writing group this month for Young Writers Program. I also have major portfolio projects due soon for art class and my term paper due this month. Ugh. All good things, though.

Forgive me for not being on here very much! I have many posts I should be writing right now and I don't want to lose my readers! (all 12 of them, lol!)

So, I promise to come back fully in a few weeks, and will post when I can the next couple of days.

In the mean time, I'm totally jealous of my husbands crochet skills- he's making himself a pair of fingerless gloves. He's so metro!! Check out the first glove! (it's huge on me- he's got big man-hands)I think I need a pair, right?

Monday, November 2, 2009

Sundays outfit- Velvet vest and jeans

Oh how I love my velvet vest, for without it, this would have simply been a grey cap sleeve shirt and jeans. But with it?? Oh the changes it brings with it's lush texture and perfect fit!

Ok, ok. So, yeah- thrifted velvet vest over thrifted grey shirt with my fave Gap jeans (also my most expensive jeans ever- bought a couple years ago for $85, I just about crapped myself). Dollhouse flats from TJ Maxx.

I had my grey blazer with my, but only wore it in the evening when it got really cold.