I've got a cold! Agh!!! I can't be sick today- I have class tonight, and I really can't miss even one of them, since they are a one-night-a-week class. I'll be ok. I'll load up on stuff tonight before I go.
So, I'm not feeling super stylish today, what with all my congestion and coughing. My sister in law also passed along these pants, which are not jeans, but actually leggings? But not like my denim-look leggings I got from eBay- these have all the pockets and stuff like regular jeans! They're a tad loose, but feel like you could sleep in them.
On top is my NaNoWriMo shirt from 2007. What is this? Well, allow me to shamelessly link you to my other blog,
Fruit of my Daydreams. It's become the neglected step-child to this blog of late, but I'm starting to ponder posts for it once again. Not only do thrift-shop, draw/paint and parent. I also write. Or, rather, try to write. Mostly I dream up wonderful stories and them try to figure out how to translate those dreams into actual words.
NaNoWriMo, or National Novel Writing Month, is in November. Thousands of budding writers sign up to a challenge of writing a 50,000 word novel in 30 days.

My husband started doing this in 2006, and by 2007, I was convinced to give it a try. It's not a contest, you don't win anything, but the motivation and support you get is awesome. I have finished NaNo two years in a row now, and I'm excited to go for it again in November. There is no pressure, really- no one will read your novel. It's just a tool to get people started, and there have been some great books that have come out of it, one being
Water For Elephants, by Sara Gruen.
My shoes are from Mandee, my sister in law- part of her giant load of shoes she gave me. (and yes, she is named after the Mandee stores!) I have them in white and in brown and they are suprisingly supportive and comfortable! I never buy white shoes- I'm just not drawn to them, but I keep grabbing these!
As far as the blogging and internet world is concerned, I've found there are lots of blogging moms who write ad paint. And I've found there are a lot of fashion-ladies who write and draw. But, I don't know of any other writing, drawing, painting, thrifting, fashion-obsessed moms living in rural California who are obsessed with Harry Potter AND getting the perfect belt. I'm the perfect blend of nerdery and cool.