Saturday, October 31, 2009

Friday night outfit- Vintage dress and red tights

Last night was my sisters birthday and so she had a big party at her house that included yummy soups, red wine and Tapioca roasted inside a pumpkin. Yeah, I was in food heaven. Cheesy garlic bread, crispy salads, chili, butternut squash, etc.


I wore this vintage dress I got over the summer and hemmed myself. I think it's my first REAL hem that I didn't half-ass. This dress has a great slouchy look and wonder big pockets.

The red tights kept it fun and really popped! I wore my lace up boots.


  1. Mmm, yeah! This is working! Nicely done with the hem.

  2. Love this whole look. And you're so right - the red tights are perfect with it!

  3. Oh and just a heads up. I will be posting an awards post tomorrow (Monday) night. You should definitely check it out :) Probably sometime around 7, after I get home from work. Happy Sunday night :)
