Monday, October 26, 2009

Look! I'm actually doing the scarf-thing!!

Tonight I had to run out to get a few things in town and decided to wear my very pajama-like Harem pants (from a clothing swap), a white tank (? Wal-mart?) and my old stand by denim jacket.

Just before I left, UPS came and delivered my beautiful scarf!!

I won it from a giveaway on Style Symmetry. It's really, really awesome. It has this wonderful springy-ness to is which makes it easy for scarf newbies like me to style it. And it's light as a feather! It's by Tolani, from Chic Downtown.

Thank you to Eyeliah, for the giveaway and picking me!!

So, I AM doing this right, right? I felt quite cool buzzing around town in my slouchy pants and scarf!

The bangs need to come back, though- guess I'd better wash my hair today. ;)

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