Saturday ended up being a pretty cool day. We were all mildly sick, but decided to head up to the apple farms anyway, since we probably wouldn't get another free Saturday until after Halloween.
It was a warm day with a brisk start, so I wore my Calvin Klein jeans, and a vintage shirt I got in high school.

I haven't worn the shirt in about 10 years because, when I bought it- it was very unusual. In the early nineties- most shirts were still cut all boxy. This shirt WAS quite retro. It's from the mid-seventies, and has this great image of a girl with crazy pink hair. It also has real rhinestones on the face of the girl.
I stopped wearing it because it looks like 90% of the shirts that came out in the last decade- it doesn't seem very vintage- but it IS!
I do love it, though- it's made of really heavy knit, and it's soft as can be. So I wore it Saturday with this adorable cardigan I bought over the summer (and almost forgot about)at Delia's for $7.99!
I put on my little black flats by Dollhouse- kind cute!
And I like that my hair was all wavy- at least in this picture- my hair resists any bend or curl, generally.
And one last shot of the Sierra's before they turn white for the next 6 months!