I'm going to need a new pair- mine are dull from so much use.
I have hacked away at a dozen pieces of clothing. Some are done, some need further thought or some sewing.
Here are some of the unfinished things:
A vintage pantsuit, or jumpsuit- whatever, it's old and ratty. I posted about it last week. I could NOT see myself wearing it as-is, so, I hacked it into a romper. I'm going to replace the gold buttons for something more laid back. Then I'll roll the sleeves and tack them so they stay. Then hem the shorts. THEN you can tell me whether it was worth doing!

Another jumpsuit. This one is HUGE, so, I chopped the legs off. It's very comfy- needs a belt. Maybe brown? It's navy with yellow. We'll see. I need to hem off the shorts.

The nautical tank! I hacked off the arm holes and the neck. I DO like it now- theres something about it I just dig. I'll have to use it soon and post a photo. Here's a quick shot of it- excuse the no-makeup.

I made a head-wrap thing out of the leg of the teal jumpsuit. I'll get some use out of that!
Then, I made a whole outfit! I hacked off a pair of stretch flares I had laying around. I so glad I did!! And I found a white t-shirt of my sons that I've decided he didn't need anyway, so I hacked it, too.
I tried the whole thing with a scarf. I just don't know if I can pull the scarf thing off. Maybe it's the scarf's fault, here. I just feel like I'm trying too hard. (and yeah- I shouldn't get in front of the camera without lip color, at least)

So, I took off the scarf and threw on one of my favorite necklaces- bought in Morocco.
Ok, Morocco in Disney World...but it IS cool.

I'm wearing my Anne Klein sandals.
My husband promises to take some actual good pictures of me after seeing some shots on Weardrobe- I think he's ashamed of my photography. Frankly, I can't blame him. Maybe he'll just take my shots from now on? So, soon we'll see come decent pictures of my better outfits.